Super Bloom was a culmination of a few different things. I first started thinking along all things tiny after attending an art exhibit at the Church History Museum of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. A Visual Journal was a watercolor exhibit by Henry B. Erying, a member of the First Presidency of my church. He had always been a drawer or doodler but was on a family vacation in Hawaii one summer and while trying to entertain himself while his boys surfed and when he had hurt his back he picked up some watercolors and started to paint. What caught my attention when seeing the exhibit was his postcard size paintings. They were amazing! So detailed yet so tiny. I fell in love with the idea of tiny art.
This was in mid January. My time was limited due to my full plate of design work but yet I felt a real need to take time away from my computer and create something, even if it was just a little something every day. Along that same time I started to work on these tiny pieces an artist that I adore and follow on IG announced she was going to fill IG with flowers for the month of February and invited anyone painting to follow along and do the same. I accepted the challenge and began my tiny exploration in watercolor florals. Each day I would take a little time after work and dinner to paint a little floral arrangement. It had been awhile since I’d spent my time in the watercolor medium. Each night I would get on youtube and search out a new watercolor tutorial that looked interesting to me and then practice some of the techniques I was interested in. It became my way of decompressing the day and creating something just for me.
Out of this exercise came 30+ tiny floral pieces. Not all were great. Some I even tore up and tossed in the garbage! But there were some I really, really liked. The more I practiced the more I found myself improving on my skills and making the time to paint.
As I was painting these tiny pieces my friend mentioned there was a small movement a few miles south of me that was also focused on this idea of tiny art. She directed me to the IG account @tinyartshow and I was hooked. We planned to attend one of their exhibits the following week and in doing so my tiny art show solidified in my mind. Hanging and displaying my art had not really crossed my mind prior to seeing this exhibit. I immediately began to bounce off ideas to my friend. As I shared this idea more to others the idea of doing an art show grew and I knew I needed to do this and share these tiny pieces with others. Super Bloom became a reality. Tiny art, Tiny cakes and Tiny notecards and prints to sell.
It’s the Monday after my Super Bloom tiny art show debut. I’m exhausted…but also invigorated! It was such a fun night full of so many lovely friends and everything tiny. I’m so glad I did this. I’m so grateful to those who encouraged and prodded me along. I’m so grateful for those of you who bought art and supported me along this path. I don’t think this will be the last of this tiny art idea. I have now begun to explore tiny landscapes and we’ll see where that path leads.
Kiss From A Rose
Lotus Flower
Build Me Up Buttercup
Forget Me Nots
Cherry Blossom Girl
Supermarket Flowers
A Rose By Any Name
Morning Glory